Dr Sharon Inglis

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Curator Educational Researchology

Sharon worked for twelve years in commercial settings (multiple retailing, vehicle rental mobile advertising and a CAT dealership) with professional accreditation from both the Chartered Governance Institute and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).  These roles involved the design and delivery of commercial and legal training for operational staff at all levels.  


In 1994, she moved into Further Education delivering law-based modules on a variety of vocational courses to both full-time and work-based learners.  Whilst in FE, Sharon became part of the course teams securing accreditation to deliver Staffordshire University’s HND Business (South Staffordshire College) and HND Law (Josiah Mason College).  She managed South Staffordshire College’s HE in FE business provision from 2019-2014, completing her MA Education on transitions into HE in FE in 2012.

In 2014, Sharon moved to Staffordshire University to become part of the course teams for MA Education and PGCE PCET (Post Compulsory Education and Training).  She succeeded Russell Spink as course leader for the MA Education in 2017 and managed this provision for seven years.  Sharon defended her EdD thesis on the expectations and experiences of part-time taught postgraduate students in January 2020.  Her role involved the supervision of MA and doctoral students (PhD and EdD), departmental lead on ethics, representation on the university Ethics Committee, and chairing vivas.

In addition to being a director of an IT Consultancy and a Property Investment company, she is currently Chair of Governors at an Infants and Nursery School in South Derbyshire, and external examiner for the MA Education provision at Wrexham University, ARU and Sunderland University.  Outside of Education, she describes herself as a keen grower (“I don’t presume to call myself a gardener”) and a committed volunteer at her village cricket club.